Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Speak Now Tour

Getting Our Tickets-

I went with my best friend, Brittany. We Decided we wanted to go and got our tickets at the very last minute. The concert was November 18th, 2011 in Columbia, South Carolina. We found our tickets on craigslist- of all places. We called the lady who was selling them and she said she was sorry but someone else was already asking to buy them. But we didn't want to take that as an answer! So we begged her to PLEASE sell them to us, and told her how much we LOVED Taylor and really wanted to go- it would be the first time my best friend and I went to see Taylor together! After negotiating with her for a good 30 minutes, she was nice enough to finally say that she would let the other people know that she already had someone picking them up and that she would sell US the tickets! We were so excited- and LUCKY! It was impossible to find tickets that were legit, this late notice. When we went to pick up the tickets, the lady was SO nice and we talked to her about our Taylor obsession, and how thankful we were for the tickets! She gave them to us inside a card with a little note saying that she was happy they were going to someone who would appreciate them and that she hopes we have a blast. It was so sweet! 

Tickets? Check. Everything Else...?

Ehh, Not Check!

After getting our tickets, it was time to figure out all the rest of the details- Who was going to take us, where we were going to stay, WHAT we were going to wear, and posters... we NEED posters! Since it was a pretty good distance, we decided that letting my dad take us and staying over night seemed like the best idea. Getting our tickets last minute, it was crunch time! We frantically thought of ideas that would get us noticed. We drove around down raiding all craft stores, hardware stores, the craft section Wal-Mart, and dollar stores. We picked up the essentials: BIG poster boards, markers, glitter, glue etc... but we were in a desperate search for one important thing---

Battery-powered lights.

It was too short notice to buy them online and wait for them to be shipped. We looked at all the craft stores with no luck, (they we not as popular as they are now!) We finally found some that weren't the best quality or price, the NIGHT BEFORE we were leaving. SO we were in no place to complain. Beggers can't be choosers! (:
(Just a little superstitious. We were in aisle 14 in a long line, but a minute later a lady came over and told us that she would take us on aisle 13. We jumped up and down and screamed and she looked at us like we were insane... Maybe we are! Haha)


We decided on just one big poster that was double sided- we were in the upper section, so there wasn't much hope for making a poster this short notice that would be seen from the very top. We used a big foam poster board and started to brainstorm ideas. We came up with, "This Night is Sparkling, Taylor." on one side and "We'd Be Enchanted to Meet You." on the other. (Hey, it was original at the time, lol!) They posters were in sparkly sharpies and glitter- we loved them(: It didn't have any lights or anything, we weren't T-Party/Club Red savvy at the time. We know of the T-Party but didn't really think to try to get in (darn!) 


After we our posters were complete, I started on our outfits. We decided to use the strands of battery-powered lights on plain black hoodies. Since we loved the number 13 almost as much as Tay, I pinned a "1" in her hoodie and a "3" on mine so that when we were next to each other it said "13". 
(This is what they looked like after I finished pinning on all the lights!)

Time for Travel!

As soon as we made it to our hotel in Columbia, we started to get ready! My dad and brothers went out for lunch while me and my best friend took over the entire room with Taylor Concert Preparations! Getting ready consisted of the usual: Blasting Taylor Swift music, Dancing like maniacs, Screaming and jumping excitedly from bed to bed, makeup(winged eye liner, of course!), Arm lyrics!, Bracelets, Cowgirl boots!, And if course... 13 on hands!
Left: Arm lyrics, boots, and 13 with my best friend! On the Right: Brittany wanted to draw a heart on the side of her face next to her eye, and this is what she got! It looks like MICKEY MOUSE. So, how about this made us literally roll around on the floor laughing until we couldn't breathe for like an hour, I swear!

To Be Continued... (:

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