Thursday, July 18, 2013

Red Tour Take 2 and 3: Intro

Now is the start of the Journey to Club Red -

We all dream, impossible dreams, right?(;


So, my boyfriend surprised me with tickets to two more Taylor concerts this September. I will be turning 22 on September 11th, and the concert dates are on September 12th in Greensboro, and September 13th, in Raleigh. So we are going to make the weekend starting on that Wednesday into a BIGGG birthday weekend (:
One of my tickets.

Die-Hard Swiftie-

SO, some of you are going to think I'm insane (non-die hard Swifties) and others of you will completely understand (; (Swifties) But I pretty much have everything planned out and almost ready for the concerts in September. I have the days off of work, my posters are finished, my outfit is VERY close to being finished, and I'm almost finished with my gifts for Taylor!


Having said that, I will try to back track a little for all of you who are actually reading this and following along, (THANK YOU, by the way.) And I apologize if this blog is extremely boring right now, but I promise it will pick up and be more interesting as the date approaches!<3

Counting Down-

So the very first thing I did was make this countdown that I have on the wall in my room. I started to cross of the days after I hit less than 100 days left! (now I am at 55 days!:D) SO I thought you would like to see that!

Initiate Brainstorming-

Next I started brainstorming on outfit idea. Since I have floor seats there are no posters allowed, as it will block others from seeing! So I knew my outfit had to be awesome. I started to think about what performances really stood out to me and which songs really inspired me. I started to write my ideas down.

First Idea- 

I will tell you my first idea, since I wont be using it! I was thinking about doing a play on the outfit Taylor wears when she performs "Treacherous." I'm a dancer, so I already have most of the stuff. I was going to wear an key hole back, black leotard, and a long classical style white tutu, and make a sign that said something along the lines of "This wait was Treacherous" -with the T, A, and S in capital letters and in glitter and lights.
THANK GOODNESS I did not go with that idea, because just recently, the State of Grace girls all did the Treacherous outfit. And I would have been SO mad.

Sparkle, Sparkle-

The next thing I did, was work on my shoes. I was going to wear these with my Treacherous inspired outfit, I thought it would POP. So here is the transformation of my old, dead pointe shoes!
Left: What they looked like before. Right: Since I was not going to be using these shoes for dancing anymore I dyed them with fabric dye in water. But if you are going to dye your pointe shoes and try to use them, I recommend going to a professional, or dying them by hand-do not soak them in water!
Left: I broke the shank, took the nails out, and cut the support out so that they would be comfortable to walk in and wear all night! Right: I decided that I wanted to make them SPARKLE. So, to rhinestone them the simple and cheap way, I bought a bag of red sequins, and some tacky glue. I used a brush to paint small sections of the shoe with the glue and places all the sequins on by hand until the entire shoe was covered.
Here is the finished product. I love them! They really shine now. (:

Dear Taylor-

The next thing I decided to do was write a letter to Taylor and to start thinking of ideas of gifts I could make her. Even though she may not actually get them, I figured it was worth a shot!
 This is a Vine I made while I was trying to type the proof of the letter.
WHAT do you say to someone who's so perfect! I will probably end up posting the letter I wrote her and a picture of the gift I made for her closer to the concert date!


I then started to gather up supplies for posters, my outfit and other things. I stocked up on glowsticks already, glow packs, glitter glue, poster boards, and other things. I started to work on my poster ideas.
Here are some I am not using:
 -Popstar Poppy
-This Wait Was Treacherous
-I Will Never Ever EVER Stop Loving Taylor
(I already used that one, but you're welcome to use it!)
-Nothing Safe is Worth the Drive
(you could put the distance you traveled)
I came up with a lot more, but I'm having a brain fart!
I will continue to update whenever I have free time! Thank for reading!!

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