Monday, July 29, 2013

Club Red (Insider Info) - Stuff you never thought about!

Lucky number 13 (;
Club Red Tips-
So today I'm going to share with you some tips on increasing your chances of getting that golden- or should I say, RED- opportunity to get chosen for Club Red. The NUMBER ONE most important thing to remember is not to concentrate too much on getting Club Red passes. If you go to the concert only thinking about Club Red, and then you don't get in, you will have wasted the who night worrying and missed the entire concert- which the concert is AMAZING!
BUT- since trying to tell a die-hard Swiftie to "just forget" about Club Red and "just enjoy" the concert is like trying to tell a squirrel to stop being cute, I will go ahead and give you these tips and send you on your way-- I HOPE YOURE THE LUCKY ONE!

Your Outfit-

Whether you are seated in the lower level, on the floor, or even in the very last possible row, it doesn't matter! Your outfit or costume is CRUCIAL in your chances at Club Red. Although some people have gotten in just wearing casual clothes (a Taylor tshirt and jeans) that was pure luck. And these tips are to increase your chances.
Make sure your outfit will make you stand out from all the rest. Have fun with it. You could use an idea from one of her music videos, one of her tour costumes, or just something completely random that you thought of in the middle of the night... It doesn't matter. Just make sure you have fun with it and GO ALL OUT.
There are some costumes that have been done before, so watch out for the ones that have been overused:
1. WANEGBT- animal costumes.
2. Red tutus- although I still think this is a good option.
3. Balloons- there's only ONE balloon boy. Just don't.
4. 22 outfit- from the video (hipsters) OR from the tour (striped shirt and red pants/shorts)
Those are just some that have been used a lot. Be on the look out for more!

Plan it!-

Plan out your costume/outfit- it's fun! Brainstorm, get the ideas flowing, make a sketch, anything. It will be totally worth it if you put a lot of time and effort into your outfit, and people will notice!
Some things that you should consider adding on top of your already planned outfit:
1. Battery powered lights (Fairy lights)
2. Face paint.
3. Red hair coloring (hairspray)
4. Glow sticks are always fun!
5. Random red objects- seriously.
Go to the party store and buy everything red.

Seat Selection-

Ultimately, seats don't matter. You can be chosen from any seat in the entire arena. Although there seems to be certain places that get more attention from Mama Swift and Taylor staff (circled with the hearts in the above picture.)
If you think about it, the golden star is where the B- Stage, The sound booth, and Taylor's mom are located. So it just makes sense that the places around them and closest to them are going to get more attention. There's a lot going on over there!
First seating area that would increase your chances would be the lower level (100's section in most cases) directly behind or directly to the left and right of the sound booth ("mix".) This way you are not on the floor, you get an AMAZING view of the B-stage when Taylor gets to it, and you're in the field of vision on the people who are actually choosing for Club Red.
Second good seating area would be on the floor. If you are on the floor you have a greater chance of being able to actually speak to and have a conversation with Mama Swift herself and also Taylor's crew members.
If you get upper level seating, DO NOT WORRY. However the best place to have upper level seating is on the end of the sound booth. If you are in the upper level AND near the main stage, it will be harder for them to see you. But that does not in any way mean that you don't have a chance!
Remember, these tips are to INCREASE your chances. If you don't do some of these things that doesn't mean that you can't be chosen- the same way as if you do ALL of these things, you may still not be chosen!

Poster Tips (According to section)-

If your seats are in the lower level, and ESPECIALLY in the upper level posters are almost a MUST. You have to have something that lights up BRIGHT and gets them to see you.
1. You are definitely going to need poster lights.
2. Think of an original idea- really think about what inspires you about Taylor: Favorite lyrics, Quotes, etc...
3. Use the poster lights to SPELL OUT words. *DO NOT just out line your poster with lights- the words will not be visible, it will just look like a rectangle...
4. Move your poster around A LOT to the music. Even if you're taking a short break from dancing, move that sucker around! Make it look like you're still dancing (haha.)
5. Make multiple posters and hold them all up or switch them out!
6. NEVER put them down!
7. Check the venue on their sign policy. First check to see if they are allowing signs in for your show, and also if they are find out if there is a certain size requirement and if poster lights are allowed...
If you are lucky enough to have floor seats, most likely you will not be allowed to bring in signs. They usually do not allow signs on the floor because they block the people behind you. BUT if you would like to try to get by, there are two options... Use a ribbon or a string to tie around you poster and wear it around your neck OR safety pin it to your shirt. If you're going to do either one of these, I recommend obviously not making it very big or heavy.
Get There Early-
Make sure you get to the venue as early as possible. Trust me, some people start getting there early in the morning and just hang out there all day. So get there early and walk around. Make friends and talk other swifties. If the booths are outside, go visit all of them and talk to the people working them. Some of them give out free things and some have contests for seat upgrades and other prizes. The two booths that you should DEFINTELY go to if nothing else are the KEDS booth and the WONDERSTRUCK booth. Keds usually gives out free pit passes and has a wheel you can spin to win prizes- one of the prizes is a FREE pair of Keds! Also take lots of pictures in front of the different back drops. (:
Doors Open-
The doors usually open around 5:30, but sometimes it varies. As soon as you get through the gate and they check your tickets, I recommend heading straight for the merch lines. These lines get LONG, FAST. Once you get your merchandise, I definitely recommend getting a quick little snack and using the restroom BEFORE you go to your seat. You do not want to be getting out of your seats and leaving to use the rest room or get drinks during the concert- even during the opening acts.
Even before the opening acts, and during the opening acts, GO CRAZY. Dance around like a psycho, scream, sing, and jump around. Another thing you can try to do is get the people around you amped up, too. Start the wave or start a chant! "TAY-LOR, TAY-LOR, TAY-LOR." (:

The Obvious-

During the concert never stop dancing. Jump around and sing your heart out. If you did decide on bringing posters, move them around A LOT.
NEVER GIVE UP- even to the very last second of the concert. Taylor loves her fans to be surprised. You might just get that magic tap on the shoulder right before the concert ends!

Wednesday, July 24, 2013


So yesterday i put the finishing touches on all of my signs. Im really excited about them! I have three different signs . One is pretty big and the other two are kind of small. I have floor seats so there are no posters/signs allowed in that area. BUT I have some tips that I will share that may help you! 


So I have three. (Very good option if you're trying to get noticed) and they all light up. 
I previously shared with you this first one. it is outlined in red led lights and also has a quote on it in glitter glue. *remembee that the words on your poster will most likely not be visible if you ONLY outline your poster in lights.

I also showed you a GLIMPSE of my second sign (because I want it to be a secret!) But for this one I used white led lights to actually spell out the words. This is the big one!

And for my third and last sign, I hhaven't shown you guys! As you can see, I also want this one to be a surprise! But I wanted you guys to see my lovely 13, that is a part of it. (: this one is also in white led lights. 

Poster Tips/Secrets-

♡ check with your venue a couple days prior to your concert date. I recommend calling them and asking all your questions just to be certain. Sometimes the websites are not up to date!  
♡ ASK if signs are being permitted, what their sign policy is-for floor, lower level, upper level, etc) ask if there is a size restriction. *also ask if poster lights are allowed. And also if  GLOW STICKS are allowed - if you planned on bringing those as well!
♡ most venues will tell you they do not allow posters on the floor (if you have FLOOR SEATS) my advice for you if you're lucky enough to be on floor, is go ahead and make signsthat are kind of on the small side, punch holes in them and add ribbon... WEAR THEM AROUND YOUR NECK! You could also use safety pins to pin them onto your shirt/outfit. 
♡ the above can also apply if your venue is saying they are not allowing signs in at all... STILL WEAR IT. ^^^^^^^
♡ if you are worried about blocking someone's view, or them complaining anout your poster because they don't want to stand up, don't be. Just politely explain to them how much you love taylor and you REALLY want to enjoy the concert. You can ask them to please stand up, or if possible you coild even offer to trade seats with them. 
♡ don't just use lights to outline your poster board. The words will not be visible. Use the lights to actually spell out some of the key words on your sign.
♡ GLOW PAINT on shirts and posters are not really a good idea. You can still use it along with lights, but again the concert is usually pretty well lit and the glow paint WILL NOT GLOW like you want it to. 
♡make sure you are creative with the shape and the ideas of your posters. RED, ED, 22 etc are overused  really think about something no one else has done! 
♡bring multiple posters. Switch them out periodically, or heck, hold them all up! Nothing is too over the top!
♡ if you absolutely can't bring a sign in, can't wear it, etc I recommend showing up really early to the concert and just walking around with your posters. Be proud! Show them off! You loveeeee TAYLOR! 

That's all I can think of off the top of my head! If you have anymore questions, feel free to email me, or check out my youtube and ask me there! The links are in my previous posts! 

Monday, July 22, 2013

50 Days left!

Glow sticks, cardboard 13, heart poster, red hairspray...

Tick Tock, Tick Tock-

So, there's about 50 days until my Red Tour Take 2 & 3 trip! That may seem like a lot so some of you, but it seems like just yesterday I had like 180 days; so it's winding down fast- but somehow not fast enough! Haha.


Tickets: Check! And, check!
Travel Plans: Pretty much all figured out. We just can't decide if we want to leave the night before, on Wednesday night, or the morning of the first concert (Thursday night.) having so many options on when to leave and where to stay is complicated! Ha. We're still trying to figure out what's more convenient and what saves the most gas! (:

Outfit: I made the final touches and the final decisions, for now, on my costume! I wish I could show you all of it, but I want it to be a secret until closer to the date. (: thanks to my boyfriend for helping me!!! 

Making a mess poster making!

Posters: I have two posters made--

First starting on the heart poster--

Finished heart poster- I'm not adding or changing anything on this one. It's outlined in red led lights, and it says a quote from "Everything Has Changed."


You can get strands of 20 led rights, seen here, at most drug stores- Rite Aid, CVS, Walgreens, or you can order strands with more lights off of EBay or Amazon!

This is ONLY A PIECE of my second poster. I want to keep it a secret! But this is my favorite part of this poster and it says a clever saying from We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together... (:

I still have things that i want to add to it. And I need to make it smaller!

*again, you can get the white led lights at the drug stores listed above, most craft stores, and amazon or eBay.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Instagram, Facebook, YouTube

Follow me on Instagram! - @jessisfearless
and also subscribe to my youtube!...

Red Tour Take 2 and 3: Intro

Now is the start of the Journey to Club Red -

We all dream, impossible dreams, right?(;


So, my boyfriend surprised me with tickets to two more Taylor concerts this September. I will be turning 22 on September 11th, and the concert dates are on September 12th in Greensboro, and September 13th, in Raleigh. So we are going to make the weekend starting on that Wednesday into a BIGGG birthday weekend (:
One of my tickets.

Die-Hard Swiftie-

SO, some of you are going to think I'm insane (non-die hard Swifties) and others of you will completely understand (; (Swifties) But I pretty much have everything planned out and almost ready for the concerts in September. I have the days off of work, my posters are finished, my outfit is VERY close to being finished, and I'm almost finished with my gifts for Taylor!


Having said that, I will try to back track a little for all of you who are actually reading this and following along, (THANK YOU, by the way.) And I apologize if this blog is extremely boring right now, but I promise it will pick up and be more interesting as the date approaches!<3

Counting Down-

So the very first thing I did was make this countdown that I have on the wall in my room. I started to cross of the days after I hit less than 100 days left! (now I am at 55 days!:D) SO I thought you would like to see that!

Initiate Brainstorming-

Next I started brainstorming on outfit idea. Since I have floor seats there are no posters allowed, as it will block others from seeing! So I knew my outfit had to be awesome. I started to think about what performances really stood out to me and which songs really inspired me. I started to write my ideas down.

First Idea- 

I will tell you my first idea, since I wont be using it! I was thinking about doing a play on the outfit Taylor wears when she performs "Treacherous." I'm a dancer, so I already have most of the stuff. I was going to wear an key hole back, black leotard, and a long classical style white tutu, and make a sign that said something along the lines of "This wait was Treacherous" -with the T, A, and S in capital letters and in glitter and lights.
THANK GOODNESS I did not go with that idea, because just recently, the State of Grace girls all did the Treacherous outfit. And I would have been SO mad.

Sparkle, Sparkle-

The next thing I did, was work on my shoes. I was going to wear these with my Treacherous inspired outfit, I thought it would POP. So here is the transformation of my old, dead pointe shoes!
Left: What they looked like before. Right: Since I was not going to be using these shoes for dancing anymore I dyed them with fabric dye in water. But if you are going to dye your pointe shoes and try to use them, I recommend going to a professional, or dying them by hand-do not soak them in water!
Left: I broke the shank, took the nails out, and cut the support out so that they would be comfortable to walk in and wear all night! Right: I decided that I wanted to make them SPARKLE. So, to rhinestone them the simple and cheap way, I bought a bag of red sequins, and some tacky glue. I used a brush to paint small sections of the shoe with the glue and places all the sequins on by hand until the entire shoe was covered.
Here is the finished product. I love them! They really shine now. (:

Dear Taylor-

The next thing I decided to do was write a letter to Taylor and to start thinking of ideas of gifts I could make her. Even though she may not actually get them, I figured it was worth a shot!
 This is a Vine I made while I was trying to type the proof of the letter.
WHAT do you say to someone who's so perfect! I will probably end up posting the letter I wrote her and a picture of the gift I made for her closer to the concert date!


I then started to gather up supplies for posters, my outfit and other things. I stocked up on glowsticks already, glow packs, glitter glue, poster boards, and other things. I started to work on my poster ideas.
Here are some I am not using:
 -Popstar Poppy
-This Wait Was Treacherous
-I Will Never Ever EVER Stop Loving Taylor
(I already used that one, but you're welcome to use it!)
-Nothing Safe is Worth the Drive
(you could put the distance you traveled)
I came up with a lot more, but I'm having a brain fart!
I will continue to update whenever I have free time! Thank for reading!!

Red Tour: Take 1!

So Here's what you guys have all been waiting for!
My Taylor Swift Red Tour Experience. 
*Please note: This night was TERRIBLE.

Getting to the Venue-

So we got to the venue super early, literally at like 10am. My boyfriend circled the car around the arena like 10 times while me and my best friend scoped out the place and tried to get a feel for what was going on, where people were waiting, and what there was to do before the doors opened to let us in. We finally found the back entrance, so we jumped out of the car, posters, bags full of glow sticks, dressed like hipsters and all, and decided to wait by the back gate.

 Insider Info-

We knew from talking to some people walking to the back that Ed had left the arena and would be back any time for sound check. So we decided that we would wait for him to return and hopefully get him to stop for autographs, pics, etc. It was Freezing! And we were wearing shorts with tights, and short sleeve shirts.
We waited there anxiously for about 30 minutes when people started to join us in standing, and we made small talk with other Swifties. We were so excited, but FREEZING. I couldn't feel my arms.
(A picture of the Red Tour Trucks lined up across the street from the arena.)

Let's Get This Party Started... Please?

We waited there for a couple of hours, and we desperately tried to get the girls who were standing with us to get pumped up! We needed to chant or sing Taylor's songs or something to make someone notice us! But no luck... apparently everyone at this concert was a party pooper...
We tried to talk nicely to the security guards but they were so rude. They were yelling at us for everything little thing that we did. And one of them stared at us with a mean look at ENTIRE time- Where do they get these people from? Anyway, we tried not to let that get us down...

Tweet, Taylor, Tweet-

My best friend has a twitter- I don't, have quite frankly, I don't even know how it works! She started to tweet Taylor telling her how long we have all been waiting out here, and how much we loved her and how excited we were. We got all of the girls who were waiting with s to tweet Taylor over and over- worth a shot, right? (:

Along Came Ed-

 A little while later, a black car with dark tented windows pulled into the back entrance and my best friend and I started freaking out! We knew it was Ed, but we couldn't get the other girls to call for him or even look excited. So he didn't even bother to stop... Again, we tried not to let THIS get us down.
We sadly watched Ed drive by, enter the back gate, and get out of the car,  look our way but then not even acknowledging that we have been standing out here in the freezing cold weather for hours to meet him.

Okay, Now That I Can't Feel

My Arms Or Legs- 

We decided to try to go inside to warm up for a bit and to use the restroom. We talked to the security inside and tried to be nice to them, but again... super mean. We tried to make small talk with them, asking how long they have been working there, how they liked it, and if they have ever met Taylor, and how many other celebs they have met. They totally acted like we were the most annoying things. Awesome.
Below: most of our outfits. Hipster head bandanas, homemade red shirts
-the back was REALLY cute, jean shorts, black tights,
and cowgirl boots- tried to put a little of the old Taylor in there.

Well, That's Unfortunate-

On the way back outside a security guard saw us with our posters and stopped us. At first I thought it was to compliment us, but it was just to tell us that they changed the rules last minute and they would not be letting posters of ANY kind into the concert- Usually it was just if you have floor seats they didn't let you. But tonight of all nights, they decided NO posters. That was annoying considering how much time and effort I put into our posters.
After the security guard explained there were no posters allowed, she told us that we were welcome to sit in the lobby and wait for the doors to open instead of waiting outside in line because it was freezing. So that was ONE nice thing that happened.

At Least They're The Lucky Ones-

While we were waiting inside in the lobby, the girls who had meet and greet passes, and the girls with the VIP tickets started to line up. They were SO lucky. A few of them complimented us on our posters and outfits, as we told them how LUCKY they were to be meeting Taylor. A lady came up to us and asked to take our picture so she could show Taylor for us, because she saw us waiting outside since earlier that morning...

5:30-Doors are opened!

By that time it was 5:30, time for them to start opening up the doors and letting us in, so we had to think fast about what we were going to do with our posters. I called my boyfriend and asked for him to meet us up front, where we cut all of the poster lights off of my posters; it destroyed them. We decided that we would try to wear them around our bodies!
While we were handing the lady our ticket, she looked down at my camera and said that I wasn't allowed to bring it in because it had a detachable lens... Awesome. It was considered a professional camera. Because I definitely look like a professional photographer, right? ha. So we had no camera, but we had our phones, right?

That's Also Unfortunate- 

As we were walking in, we started to look around and notice something... GIRLS HAD POSTERS. Three words were going through my mind. What. the. heck. I asked someone about it and she said they were let in because they tied a string around their posters and said they were going to wear them around their necks. ALRIGHTY. Why couldn't someone have been so kind as to mention that idea to us?

Finding Our Seats- 

We walked to our seats, totally bummed to see all these girls walking around with their bright, flashy posters, while ours were lying in the trunk of my car in pieces. But hey, we were still seeing our favorite person ever, TAYLOR. So we got out our glow sticks, thankfully they didn't confiscate them as well, and started cracking them. We were covered head to toe in glow bracelets, glow necklaces and glow everything.
(The view from section 113)

The Concert- 

We danced and sang to all the music that was playing, and tried to keep our minds off of everything that happened. We still wanted to have a good night. I got the poster lights from out of my bag and turned them on when ED came out to sing. Unfortunately, by the time Taylor came on, they were lying on the "cold hard ground" in pieces. They broke...
We continued to try to enjoy ourselves. Then Taylor came out and I was about to die. Tears were streaming down my face and I felt like I couldn't breathe. I would DIE if I met her again. I tried to take some pictures and videos, only to find that my phone was near dead. It died as soon as Taylor was finished with State of Grace...
(The only picture I was able to take.)

Over all-

The concert was AMAZING of course. The Red Tour was spectacular. The dancers were spectacular, and Tay was FLAWLESS as always. I love how she makes it a point to make sure every seat in the house is the best seat. *SPOILER ALERT* During Sparks Fly when she was on the lift thing and was flying across the arena, she was like 50 feet from my face a swear. It was amazing and it felt like she was looking right at us!
My favorite was We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together. The stage set up and dancers were SO fun and full of energy. Treacherous was FLAWLESS. So beautiful and I loved her tulle skirt. By far the best song of the night was I Knew You Were Trouble. She WERKed it. (:

Stay, Tay, Tay-

By far the hardest part of the night was leaving. We were really sad it was over but to make it worse we were in section 113, which was the section that the girls who were chosen for Club Red were meeting in. It was really hard to look at all the girls who got chosen because they tied their posters and signs around their necks and wore them. 98% of the girls who were chosen had a sign of some sort.


The only thing that makes this a little unfair is that if signs were not allowed in, NO signs should have been allowed in. No size, No way, just No- Think of all the little Swifties who had a poster the size of piece of paper and were so proud to bring it and show their support for Taylor, and they got told they were not allowed to bring it. But here we are, these girls are older, and decided, "oh, we will tie them on us." And for some reason, that was allowed. Rant over. (:
Two Videos from my Friends Phone:
Both From State of Grace because guess what? HER PHONE DIED, TOO!


This was my first Red Tour Experience. (:

**My lovely boyfriend has surprised me with tickets to TWO more concerts in September. So this blog will be my preparations and plans for those two concerts! Hope you enjoy!**
My First Red Tour Experience YouTube Video:
Poster Advice for Getting Notice/Club Red/ T-Party:
MORE Poster Advice:
The Only Two Videos We Have From the 1st Concert:
(State of Grace, Opening Song)


Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Speak Now (continued)

 Glow Stick Time!

You're going to laugh at this one! And I still to this day no not know where I got this idea from- it just popped into my head. And I have no idea what it has to do with Taylor Swift! After we were dressed in our 13 hoodies, we pinned glow sticks all over our bodies in the shape of a stick figure-
So this is what we looked like walking around the arena in the light... Pretty hilarious. 

 The Completed Look-

Bathroom mirror pic before leaving the hotel room...
You're laughing now arent you? (: haha

Top: On the way to the arena. More superstition... Filling up with gas on pump #13! Window paint, hanging out the window screaming, freaking out and all!
Bottom: The "What? This isn't normal?" Face we were giving everyone.

At the Arena-

Below:  So we didn't get to the venue too terribly early- it was around 4:00pm and they were supposed to start letting us in at 5:30. We got to the arena and went straight inside- loved the looks we were getting! We were first in line and by far the craziest Swifties in Columbia. We were freaking out in line- Singing, jumping up and down and hyperventilating, trying to get people pumped up! (it worked!)
(Unfortunately this was before they made those glow stick mega packs with the glow glasses... So we had to improvise with old 3D movie glasses with the lenses popped out, safety pins, and glow bracelets.)

Inside the Arena-

We walked around and continued to laugh at the funny looks and whispers we were getting. But we didn't care. We were there to have fun! And show love to Taylor! We bought Taylor merch- T-shirts and matching leather "love love love" bracelets. (My dad bought mine when they first came out when we saw her open for George Strait in North Charleston, but that was in 2007... So I definitely lost it! Haha) 

Finding Our Seats-

After we got all of our Taylor merch, we went to find our seats. We ended up walking down to the lower level by mistake. I remember thinking, "Wow, it would be so amazing even to be this close!" But sadly we had to go to our correct section. We were all the way up, almost to the very last row. But we didn't care. We were so pumped just to be able to see the perfect Taylor Swift live in person!

We were freaking out when we got to our seats. We were hyperventilating, jumping up and down, screaming, singing and dancing to all of the opening acts, answering all the fan questions on the screen, and texting all the little contests that they were having. You know, the usual Taylor Concert set up.

Then, TAYLOR- 

When Taylor finally came on stage, I remember almost falling to the ground. I couldn't believe I was actually seeing her with my own two eyes. We were in the same room! All I remember the rest of the night was crying and singing along to every song. Me and my best friend had all of these dances that we do to all of her songs that we made up over the last few years. We had an amazing time and it was truly a Fairy Tale!

T-Party Scares-

We had so many people tap us on the should during the show to tell us we looked awesome and that we must be really BIG Taylor fans. Each tap on the shoulder almost gave me a major heart attack. (You cant help but wishing that one of those taps would have been a T-Party invite!)

Unfortunately, there wasn't a T-party that night. It was so nice that so many people went out of their way to come talk to us, take pictures, and let us know that we deserved to meet Taylor! I wish I had some of the pictures that people took with us! If by some miracle you are reading this right now, and you remember seeing us way back in 2011 and took a picture with us, it would be AMAZING if you could send it to me! -

Thank you for reading my Taylor Swift Speak Now Experience! I tried my best to remember as much as I could! (: