Lucky number 13 (;
Club Red Tips-
So today I'm going to share with you some tips on increasing your chances of getting that golden- or should I say, RED- opportunity to get chosen for Club Red. The NUMBER ONE most important thing to remember is not to concentrate too much on getting Club Red passes. If you go to the concert only thinking about Club Red, and then you don't get in, you will have wasted the who night worrying and missed the entire concert- which the concert is AMAZING!
BUT- since trying to tell a die-hard Swiftie to "just forget" about Club Red and "just enjoy" the concert is like trying to tell a squirrel to stop being cute, I will go ahead and give you these tips and send you on your way-- I HOPE YOURE THE LUCKY ONE!
Your Outfit-
Whether you are seated in the lower level, on the floor, or even in the very last possible row, it doesn't matter! Your outfit or costume is CRUCIAL in your chances at Club Red. Although some people have gotten in just wearing casual clothes (a Taylor tshirt and jeans) that was pure luck. And these tips are to increase your chances.
Make sure your outfit will make you stand out from all the rest. Have fun with it. You could use an idea from one of her music videos, one of her tour costumes, or just something completely random that you thought of in the middle of the night... It doesn't matter. Just make sure you have fun with it and GO ALL OUT.
There are some costumes that have been done before, so watch out for the ones that have been overused:
1. WANEGBT- animal costumes.
2. Red tutus- although I still think this is a good option.
3. Balloons- there's only ONE balloon boy. Just don't.
4. 22 outfit- from the video (hipsters) OR from the tour (striped shirt and red pants/shorts)
Those are just some that have been used a lot. Be on the look out for more!
Plan it!-
Plan out your costume/outfit- it's fun! Brainstorm, get the ideas flowing, make a sketch, anything. It will be totally worth it if you put a lot of time and effort into your outfit, and people will notice!
Some things that you should consider adding on top of your already planned outfit:
1. Battery powered lights (Fairy lights)
2. Face paint.
3. Red hair coloring (hairspray)
4. Glow sticks are always fun!
5. Random red objects- seriously.
Go to the party store and buy everything red.
Seat Selection-
Ultimately, seats don't matter. You can be chosen from any seat in the entire arena. Although there seems to be certain places that get more attention from Mama Swift and Taylor staff (circled with the hearts in the above picture.)
If you think about it, the golden star is where the B- Stage, The sound booth, and Taylor's mom are located. So it just makes sense that the places around them and closest to them are going to get more attention. There's a lot going on over there!
First seating area that would increase your chances would be the lower level (100's section in most cases) directly behind or directly to the left and right of the sound booth ("mix".) This way you are not on the floor, you get an AMAZING view of the B-stage when Taylor gets to it, and you're in the field of vision on the people who are actually choosing for Club Red.
Second good seating area would be on the floor. If you are on the floor you have a greater chance of being able to actually speak to and have a conversation with Mama Swift herself and also Taylor's crew members.
If you get upper level seating, DO NOT WORRY. However the best place to have upper level seating is on the end of the sound booth. If you are in the upper level AND near the main stage, it will be harder for them to see you. But that does not in any way mean that you don't have a chance!
Remember, these tips are to INCREASE your chances. If you don't do some of these things that doesn't mean that you can't be chosen- the same way as if you do ALL of these things, you may still not be chosen!
Poster Tips (According to section)-
If your seats are in the lower level, and ESPECIALLY in the upper level posters are almost a MUST. You have to have something that lights up BRIGHT and gets them to see you.
1. You are definitely going to need poster lights.
2. Think of an original idea- really think about what inspires you about Taylor: Favorite lyrics, Quotes, etc...
3. Use the poster lights to SPELL OUT words. *DO NOT just out line your poster with lights- the words will not be visible, it will just look like a rectangle...
4. Move your poster around A LOT to the music. Even if you're taking a short break from dancing, move that sucker around! Make it look like you're still dancing (haha.)
5. Make multiple posters and hold them all up or switch them out!
6. NEVER put them down!
7. Check the venue on their sign policy. First check to see if they are allowing signs in for your show, and also if they are find out if there is a certain size requirement and if poster lights are allowed...
If you are lucky enough to have floor seats, most likely you will not be allowed to bring in signs. They usually do not allow signs on the floor because they block the people behind you. BUT if you would like to try to get by, there are two options... Use a ribbon or a string to tie around you poster and wear it around your neck OR safety pin it to your shirt. If you're going to do either one of these, I recommend obviously not making it very big or heavy.
Get There Early-
Make sure you get to the venue as early as possible. Trust me, some people start getting there early in the morning and just hang out there all day. So get there early and walk around. Make friends and talk other swifties. If the booths are outside, go visit all of them and talk to the people working them. Some of them give out free things and some have contests for seat upgrades and other prizes. The two booths that you should DEFINTELY go to if nothing else are the KEDS booth and the WONDERSTRUCK booth. Keds usually gives out free pit passes and has a wheel you can spin to win prizes- one of the prizes is a FREE pair of Keds! Also take lots of pictures in front of the different back drops. (:
Doors Open-
The doors usually open around 5:30, but sometimes it varies. As soon as you get through the gate and they check your tickets, I recommend heading straight for the merch lines. These lines get LONG, FAST. Once you get your merchandise, I definitely recommend getting a quick little snack and using the restroom BEFORE you go to your seat. You do not want to be getting out of your seats and leaving to use the rest room or get drinks during the concert- even during the opening acts.
Even before the opening acts, and during the opening acts, GO CRAZY. Dance around like a psycho, scream, sing, and jump around. Another thing you can try to do is get the people around you amped up, too. Start the wave or start a chant! "TAY-LOR, TAY-LOR, TAY-LOR." (:
The Obvious-
During the concert never stop dancing. Jump around and sing your heart out. If you did decide on bringing posters, move them around A LOT.
NEVER GIVE UP- even to the very last second of the concert. Taylor loves her fans to be surprised. You might just get that magic tap on the shoulder right before the concert ends!